A Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
African American Tarot - Jamal R. & Thomas Davis, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
African Tarot Deck - Marina Romito, US Games, $15.00
Afro-Brazilian Tarot - Alice Santana & Giuseppe Palumbo, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Albano-Waite Tarot Deck - Pamela Coleman-Smith, Frankie Albano, US Games, $18.00
Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck, US Games: Large: $25.00; Small: $20.00
Ancient Mysteries Tarot - Roger Calverley, Lotus Press, $19.95
*Animal-Wise Tarot Deck & Book Set - Ted Andrews, Dragonhawk Publishing, $34.95
Aquarian Tarot Deck - David Palladini, U.S. Games, $18.00
Archeon Tarot - Timothy Lantz, US Games, $22.00
Avalon Tarot - Joseph Viglioglia, notes by Lorenzo Tesio, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
B Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
*Beginner's Guide to the Tarot - Juliet Sharman-Burke & Giovanni Caselli, St. Martin's Griffin, $21.95
*Book of Doors Divination Deck & Book Set - Athon Veggi & Alison Davidson, Destiny Books, $29.95
Brotherhood of Light Tarot - C.C. Zain and Vicki Brewer, Church of Light/US Games, $19.95 Now in color
C Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
Celestial Tarot - Kay Steventon & Brian Clark, US Games, $18.00
*Celtic Dragon Tarot Deck & Book Set - D.J. Conway & Lisa Hunt, Llewellyn, $34.95
Celtic Tarot Deck - Gaudenzi & Tenuta, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Circle of Life Tarot, a round deck - Maria Distefano, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Cleopatra Tarot - Sylvana Alasia, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
*Complete Tarot Pack - Juliet Sharman-Burke, St. Martin's Press, $27.95
Connolly Tarot Deck - Eileen & Peter Paul Connolly, US Games, $18.00
Contemplative Tarot - Adriano Buldrini & Giovani Pelosini, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
*Cosmic Tribe Tarot - Stevee Postman, Eric Ganther, Destiny Books, $34.95
Crow's Magick Tarot Deck - Londa Marks, US Games, $18.00
*Crystal Ally Cards - Naisha Ahsian, Heaven & Earth Publishing, $29.95
Crystal Tarots - Elisabetha Trevisan, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
D Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
Dark Grimoire Tarot - Michele Penco, Giovani Pelosini, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Daughters of the Moon Tarot - Ffiona Morgan, Daughters of the Moon, $29.98
Da Vinci Tarot - McElroy, Ghiuselev, Atanassov, Lo Scarabeo/Llewellyn, $21.95
Decameron Tarot - Gaudenzi, Spadanuda, Alligo, Bolatto & Minetti, Lo Scarabeo, 22.95 Sexually explicit
Deviant Moon Tarot - Patrick Valenza, US Games, $22.00
Dragon Tarot - Peter Pracownick, Terry Donaldson, U.S. Games, $18.00
Dragons Tarot - Manfredi Toraldo & Severino Baraldi, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
*Druid Craft Tarot Deck & Book Set - Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm, Will Worthington, Connections Book Publishing, 25.95
E Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
*The Easy Tarot Deck & Book Set - Josephine Ellershaw & Ciro Marchetti, Llewellyn $19.95
*Element Tarot Deck & Book Set - Staci Mendoza & David Bourne, Element, $29.95
Enchanted Tarot Deck & Book Set (US) - Amy Zerner, Monte Farber, St. Martins, $22.95
Egyptian Tarot - Comte C. de Saint-Germain, notes by Stuart Kaplan, US Games, $18.00.
Egyptian Tarots - Silvana Alasia, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
F Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
Faerie Tarot - Nathalie Hertz, US Games, $22.00
*Faery Wicca Tarot - Kisma K. Stepanich, Renee Christine Yates, Llewellyn, $24.95
Fairy Tarots - Antonio Lupatelli, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
*Fairy Tarots Deck & Book Set - Antonio Lupatelli, Richard Doyle & Helene & Doris Saltarini, Lo Scarabeo, $34.95
Fantastical Creatures Tarot - Lisa Hunt & D.J. Conway, US Games, $22.00
Fenestra Tarot - Chatriya Hemharnvibul, US Games, $22.00
Feng Shiu Tarot - Peter & Eileen Connolly, US Games, $18.00
*Fey Tarot, deck & book set - Riccardo Minetti, Mara Aghem, Lo Scarabeo, $37.95
Flower Speaks Deck - Marlene Rudginsky, US Games, $18.00
Forest Folklore Tarot - Kessia Beverly-Smith, US Games, $18.00
G Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
Gay Tarot - Lee Bursten & Antonella Platano, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Gendron Tarot - Melanie Gendron, US Games, $18.00
*Gendron Tarot Deck & Book Set - Melanie Gendron, US Games, $31.00
*Gilded Tarot Deck & Book Set - Moore & Marchetti, Llewellyn Worldwide, $24.95
Goddess Tarot - Kriss Waldherr, US Games, $18.00
*Goddess Tarot Deck & Book Set - Kris Waldherr, US Games, $31.00
Golden Botticelli Tarot - A.A. Atanassov, Lo Scarabeo, $29.95
Golden Dawn Tarot Deck - Robert Wang & Israel Regardie, US Games, $24.00
*Golden Tarot - Kat Black, US Games, 25.00
Golden Tarot of the Renaissance - Giordano Berti & Jo Dworkin, Lo Scarabeo, $24.95
Golden Tarot of the Tsar - A.A. Atanassov, Lo Scarabeo, $29.95
Gothic Tarot of Vampires - Ricardo Minetti & Emiliano Mammucari, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Gummy Bear Tarot - Dietmar Bittrich, US Games, $18.00
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cards - adapted from the Mme. Lenormand cards, US Playing Card Co., $7.00
HIJK Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
Haindl Tarot Deck - Hermann Haindl, US Games, $18.00
Halloween Tarot Deck - Kipling West, Karen Lee, US Games, $18.00
*Halloween Tarot Deck & Book Set - Kipling West, Karen Lee, US Games, $29.00
Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck - Mary Hanson-Roberts, U.S. Games, $18.00
Harmonious Tarot - Walter Crane, Ernest Fitzpatrick, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Herbal Tarot - Michael Tierra & Candice Cantin, U.S. Games, $18.00
Hermetic Tarot - Godfrey Dowson, US Games, $18.00
Hudes Tarot Deck - Susan Hudes, US Games, $18.00
I AM ONE Tarot Deck - Maya Britan, Saint-Art.com, $18.00
Ibis Tarot - Josef Machynka, AGM AGMueller, $24.00
*Instant Tarot Reader (The Zerner-Farber Tarot Deck & Book Set) - Monte Farber & Amy Zerner, St. Martin's Press, $29.95
Kama Sutra Tarot - Art School Vijai & Ram of Rajastan, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Karma Tarot Deck - Birgit Boline Erfurt, US Games, $20.00
L Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
Leonardo da Vinci Tarot - Ghiuselev & Atanassov, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
*Llewellyn Tarot deck & book set - Anna-Marie Ferguson, Llewellyn Publications, $24.95
Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck - Donaldson, Pracownik, Fitzgerald, US Games, $18.00
*Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck & Book Set - Donaldson, Pracownik, Fitzgerald, US Games, $33.00
M Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
Manara, the Erotic Tarot - Milo Manara, Lo Scarabeo, $29.95 Sexually Explicit
Mantegna Tarot Deck - Atanas Atanassov, Lo Scarabeo/Piatnik, $30.00
*Medicine Cards (revised, expanded) - Jamie Sams & David Carson, St. Martin's, $29.95
Medicine Woman Tarot Cards - Carol Bridges, U.S. Games, $18.00
Medieval Cat Tarot - Lawrence Teng & Gina M. Pace, US Games, $18.00
Medieval Scapini Tarot Deck - Luigi Scapini, US Games, $20.00
*Medieval Scapini Tarot Deck & Book Set - Luigi Scapini, Ronald Decker, US Games, $33.00
Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck - Lloyd Morgan, Bill Greer, U.S. Games, $18.00
Motherpeace Round Tarot - Karen Vogel & Vickie Noble, U.S. Games, $24.95
*Motherpeace Round mini Tarot Deck & Book Set - Karen Vogel & Vickie Noble, U.S. Games, $32.00
*Mystic Faerie Tarot Deck & Book Set - Linda Ravenscroft & Barbara Moore, Llewellyn, $26.95
*Mythical Goddess Tarot - Sage Holloway & Katherine Skaggs, Star Chalice/Sisters Publishing, $24.95
N Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
Native American Tarot - Laura Tuan & Sergio Tisselli, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Native American Tarot Deck - Magda Weck Gonzalez & J.A. Gonzalez, U.S. Games, $18.00
Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea - Julia A. Turk, US Games, $20.00
Nefertari's Tarots - Silvana Alasia, Lorenzo Tesio, Lo Scarabeo, $49.95
New Century Tarot - Rolf Eichelmann, US Games, $18.00
*New Orleans Voodoo Tarot - Martinie & Glassman, Destiny, $35.00
*New Mythic Tarot Deck and book set - Juliet Sharman-Burke, Liz Green, Giovanni Caselli, St. Martin's Press, $25.99
New Palladini Tarot Deck - David Palladini, U.S. Games, $18.00
*New Palladini Tarot Deck & Book Set - David Palladini & Susan Hansson, U.S. Games, $29.00
O Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
Old English Tarot - Maggie Kneen, US Games, $18.00
One World Tarot Deck - Crystal Love & Michael Hobbs, US Games, $18.00
*Original Rider-Waite Tarot Pack - A.E. Waite & Pamela Coleman-Smith, Rider, $24.00
*Osho Zen Tarot Deck and book set - Osho, Ma Deva Padma, St. Martin's, $29.99
PQ Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
The Pagan Tarot - Pace, Raimondo & Spadoni, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
*The Pagan Tarot Deck & Book Set - Pace, Raimondo & Spadoni, Lo Scarabeo, $29.95
Phantasmagoric Theater Tarot Deck - Graham Cameron, US Games, $18.00
*Phoenix Cards - Susan Sheppard, Destiny Books, $29.95
Pictorial Key Tarot - Davide Corsi, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
*Quest Tarot Deck & Book Set - Joseph Ernest Martin, Llewellyn, 34.95
Quick & Easy Tarot Deck - Ellen Lytle, Pamela Coleman-Smith & Mary Hanson-Roberts, US Games, $18.00
R Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot - Virginijus Poshkus, US Games, $20.00
*Revelations Tarot deck & book set - Zack Wong, Llewellyn, $26.95
Rider Waite Tarot Deck - A.E. Waite & Pamela Colman-Smith, U.S. Games. Regular: $18.00; Giant: $24; Miniature: $12.00
Robin Wood Tarot Deck - Robin Wood, Llewellyn, $19.95
Royal Thai Tarot - Sungkom Horharin, Wasan Kriengkomol & Versak Sodsri, US Games, $18.00
*Russian Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards - Svetlana Alexandrovna Touchkoff, HarperSanFrancisco, $35.00
*Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg - Shakov & Giles, US Games, $20.00
*Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg deck & book set - Shakov & Giles, US Games, $33.00
S Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
*Sacred Circle Tarot Deck & Book Set - Anna Franklin, illustrated by Paul Mason, Llewellyn, $32.95
Sacred Rose Tarot Deck - Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman, AG Muller/U.S. Games, $20.00
Secret Tarot - Marco Nizzoli, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Shaman Tarot - Massimiliano Filadoro, Sabrina Ariganello and Alessia Pastorello, Lo Scarabeo, $24.95
Sibilla Oracle Cards - Lo Scarabeo, $11.95
Soul Cards I - Deborah Koff-Chapin, Center for Touch Drawing, $24.95
Soul Cards 2 - Deborah Koff-Chapin, Center for Touch Drawing, $24.95
Spiral Tarot Deck - Kay Steventon, US Games, $20.00
Spirit of the Flowers Tarot - Laura Tuan, Antonella Castelli, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Starter Tarot Deck - George Bennett, Stuart Kaplan, U.S. Games, $18.00
T Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
Tarot Art Nouveau - Antonella Castelli, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Tarot Classic - Claude Burdel, US Games, $18.00
Tarot Erotica is gone. Apologies (July 10, 2012)
Tarot Lenormand - Ernest Fitzpatrick, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Tarot of a Moon Garden Deck - Karen Marie Sweikhardt, U.S. Games, $18.00
Tarot of Atlantis - Bepi Vigna & Massimo Rotundo, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Tarot of Druids - Berti, Vigna, Lupatelli, Baraldi, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Tarot of Marseilles - Convos - AG Muller, $18.00
Tarot of Metamorphosis - Massimiliano Filadoro & Luigi di Giammarino, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Tarot of the Animal Lords - Angelo Giannini, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Tarot of the Cat People - Karen Kuykendall, U.S. Games, $20.00
*Tarot of the Cat People Deck & Book Set - Karen Kuykendall, U.S. Games, $29.00
Tarot of the Holy Grail - Tesio, Palumbo & Alligo, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Tarot of the Mermaids - Alligo & de Luca, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Tarot of the New Vision - Alligo, Cestaro & Cestaro, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Tarot of the Spirit World - Bepi Vigna & Roberto de Angelis, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Tarot of the Witches - Fergus Hall, U.S. Games, $18.00
*Tarot of the Witches Deck & Book Set - Fergus Hall, book by Stuart Kaplan, U.S. Games, $24.00
Tarot of White Cats - Severino Baraldi, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Tattoed Tarot - Pietro Alligo & Cristiano Spadoni, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Transformational Tarot Deck - Shirley & Peggy Gotthold, Foolscap Press, $29.95
*True Love Tarot deck & book set - Amy Zerner & Monty Farber, Thomas Dune Books, St. Martin's Press, $29.95
U Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
Unicorn Tarot Deck - Suzanne Star & Liz Hilton, US Games, $18.00
*Unicorn Tarot Deck & Book Set - Suzanne Star & Liz Hilton, US Games, $26.00
Universal Goddess Tarot - Maria Caratti & Antonella Platano, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Universal Fantasy Tarot - Paolo Martinello, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Universal Tarot - Roberto De Angelis, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Universal Waite Tarot Deck - Colman-Smith, Hanson-Roberts, Kaplan, U.S. Games, $18.00
*Universal Waite Tarot Deck & Book Set - A.E. Waite, Pamela Coleman Smith, Mary Hanson-Roberts, U.S. Games, $26.00
V Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
Vampire Tarot Deck - Nathalie Hertz, US Games, $18.00
Visconti-Sforza Gold Tarot - restored by A.A. Atanassov, Lo Scarabeo, $29.95
*Voyager Tarot Deck & Book Set - James Wanless & Ken Knutson, Merrill-West Publishing, $19.95
WXYZ Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets |
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books page.
White Light Tarot, the light from within. Reiki energized! Chakra encoded! - Jessica Fisher Willson, WhiteLightTarot.com, $25.00
Winged Spirit Tarot - David Sexton, US Games, $18.00
Witchy Tarot - Laura Tuan & Antonella Platano, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Xultun Tarot, the Maya Tarot Deck - Peter Balin, Arcana Publishing, $15.95
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