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A Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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* Denotes deck & book sets. Look for other books about specific decks on the
Tarot Books

African American Tarot - Jamal R. & Thomas Davis, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
African Tarot Deck - Marina Romito, US Games, $15.00
Afro-Brazilian Tarot - Alice Santana & Giuseppe Palumbo, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Albano-Waite Tarot Deck - Pamela Coleman-Smith, Frankie Albano, US Games, $18.00
Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck, US Games: Large: $25.00; Small: $20.00
Ancient Mysteries Tarot - Roger Calverley, Lotus Press, $19.95
*Animal-Wise Tarot Deck & Book Set - Ted Andrews, Dragonhawk Publishing, $34.95
Aquarian Tarot Deck - David Palladini, U.S. Games, $18.00
Archeon Tarot - Timothy Lantz, US Games, $22.00
Avalon Tarot - Joseph Viglioglia, notes by Lorenzo Tesio, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95


B Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

*Beginner's Guide to the Tarot - Juliet Sharman-Burke & Giovanni Caselli, St. Martin's Griffin, $21.95
*Book of Doors Divination Deck & Book Set - Athon Veggi & Alison Davidson, Destiny Books, $29.95
Brotherhood of Light Tarot - C.C. Zain and Vicki Brewer, Church of Light/US Games, $19.95 Now in color


C Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

Celestial Tarot - Kay Steventon & Brian Clark, US Games, $18.00
*Celtic Dragon Tarot Deck & Book Set - D.J. Conway & Lisa Hunt, Llewellyn, $34.95
Celtic Tarot Deck - Gaudenzi & Tenuta, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Circle of Life Tarot, a round deck - Maria Distefano, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Cleopatra Tarot - Sylvana Alasia, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
*Complete Tarot Pack - Juliet Sharman-Burke, St. Martin's Press, $27.95
Connolly Tarot Deck - Eileen & Peter Paul Connolly, US Games, $18.00
Contemplative Tarot - Adriano Buldrini & Giovani Pelosini, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
*Cosmic Tribe Tarot - Stevee Postman, Eric Ganther, Destiny Books, $34.95
Crow's Magick Tarot Deck - Londa Marks, US Games, $18.00
*Crystal Ally Cards - Naisha Ahsian, Heaven & Earth Publishing, $29.95
Crystal Tarots - Elisabetha Trevisan, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95


D Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

Dark Grimoire Tarot - Michele Penco, Giovani Pelosini, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Daughters of the Moon Tarot - Ffiona Morgan, Daughters of the Moon, $29.98
Da Vinci Tarot - McElroy, Ghiuselev, Atanassov, Lo Scarabeo/Llewellyn, $21.95
Decameron Tarot - Gaudenzi, Spadanuda, Alligo, Bolatto & Minetti, Lo Scarabeo, 22.95 Sexually explicit
Deviant Moon Tarot - Patrick Valenza, US Games, $22.00
Dragon Tarot - Peter Pracownick, Terry Donaldson, U.S. Games, $18.00
Dragons Tarot - Manfredi Toraldo & Severino Baraldi, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
*Druid Craft Tarot Deck & Book Set - Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm, Will Worthington, Connections Book Publishing, 25.95


E Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

*The Easy Tarot Deck & Book Set - Josephine Ellershaw & Ciro Marchetti, Llewellyn $19.95
*Element Tarot Deck & Book Set - Staci Mendoza & David Bourne, Element, $29.95
Enchanted Tarot Deck & Book Set (US) - Amy Zerner, Monte Farber, St. Martins, $22.95
Egyptian Tarot - Comte C. de Saint-Germain, notes by Stuart Kaplan, US Games, $18.00.
Egyptian Tarots - Silvana Alasia, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95


F Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

Faerie Tarot - Nathalie Hertz, US Games, $22.00
*Faery Wicca Tarot - Kisma K. Stepanich, Renee Christine Yates, Llewellyn, $24.95
Fairy Tarots - Antonio Lupatelli, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
*Fairy Tarots Deck & Book Set - Antonio Lupatelli, Richard Doyle & Helene & Doris Saltarini, Lo Scarabeo, $34.95
Fantastical Creatures Tarot - Lisa Hunt & D.J. Conway, US Games, $22.00
Fenestra Tarot - Chatriya Hemharnvibul, US Games, $22.00
Feng Shiu Tarot - Peter & Eileen Connolly, US Games, $18.00
*Fey Tarot, deck & book set - Riccardo Minetti, Mara Aghem, Lo Scarabeo, $37.95
Flower Speaks Deck - Marlene Rudginsky, US Games, $18.00
Forest Folklore Tarot - Kessia Beverly-Smith, US Games, $18.00


G Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

Gay Tarot - Lee Bursten & Antonella Platano, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Gendron Tarot - Melanie Gendron, US Games, $18.00
*Gendron Tarot Deck & Book Set - Melanie Gendron, US Games, $31.00
*Gilded Tarot Deck & Book Set - Moore & Marchetti, Llewellyn Worldwide, $24.95
Goddess Tarot - Kriss Waldherr, US Games, $18.00
*Goddess Tarot Deck & Book Set - Kris Waldherr, US Games, $31.00
Golden Botticelli Tarot - A.A. Atanassov, Lo Scarabeo, $29.95
Golden Dawn Tarot Deck - Robert Wang & Israel Regardie, US Games, $24.00
*Golden Tarot - Kat Black, US Games, 25.00
Golden Tarot of the Renaissance - Giordano Berti & Jo Dworkin, Lo Scarabeo, $24.95
Golden Tarot of the Tsar - A.A. Atanassov, Lo Scarabeo, $29.95
Gothic Tarot of Vampires - Ricardo Minetti & Emiliano Mammucari, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Gummy Bear Tarot - Dietmar Bittrich, US Games, $18.00
Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cards - adapted from the Mme. Lenormand cards, US Playing Card Co., $7.00


HIJK Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

Haindl Tarot Deck - Hermann Haindl, US Games, $18.00
Halloween Tarot Deck - Kipling West, Karen Lee, US Games, $18.00
*Halloween Tarot Deck & Book Set - Kipling West, Karen Lee, US Games, $29.00
Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck - Mary Hanson-Roberts, U.S. Games, $18.00
Harmonious Tarot - Walter Crane, Ernest Fitzpatrick, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Herbal Tarot - Michael Tierra & Candice Cantin, U.S. Games, $18.00
Hermetic Tarot - Godfrey Dowson, US Games, $18.00
Hudes Tarot Deck - Susan Hudes, US Games, $18.00

I AM ONE Tarot Deck - Maya Britan, Saint-Art.com, $18.00
Ibis Tarot - Josef Machynka, AGM AGMueller, $24.00
*Instant Tarot Reader (The Zerner-Farber Tarot Deck & Book Set) - Monte Farber & Amy Zerner, St. Martin's Press, $29.95

Kama Sutra Tarot - Art School Vijai & Ram of Rajastan, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Karma Tarot Deck - Birgit Boline Erfurt, US Games, $20.00


L Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

Leonardo da Vinci Tarot - Ghiuselev & Atanassov, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
*Llewellyn Tarot deck & book set - Anna-Marie Ferguson, Llewellyn Publications, $24.95
Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck - Donaldson, Pracownik, Fitzgerald, US Games, $18.00
*Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck & Book Set - Donaldson, Pracownik, Fitzgerald, US Games, $33.00


M Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

Manara, the Erotic Tarot - Milo Manara, Lo Scarabeo, $29.95 Sexually Explicit
Mantegna Tarot Deck - Atanas Atanassov, Lo Scarabeo/Piatnik, $30.00
*Medicine Cards (revised, expanded) - Jamie Sams & David Carson, St. Martin's, $29.95
Medicine Woman Tarot Cards - Carol Bridges, U.S. Games, $18.00
Medieval Cat Tarot - Lawrence Teng & Gina M. Pace, US Games, $18.00
Medieval Scapini Tarot Deck - Luigi Scapini, US Games, $20.00
*Medieval Scapini Tarot Deck & Book Set - Luigi Scapini, Ronald Decker, US Games, $33.00
Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck - Lloyd Morgan, Bill Greer, U.S. Games, $18.00
Motherpeace Round Tarot - Karen Vogel & Vickie Noble, U.S. Games, $24.95
*Motherpeace Round mini Tarot Deck & Book Set - Karen Vogel & Vickie Noble, U.S. Games, $32.00
*Mystic Faerie Tarot Deck & Book Set - Linda Ravenscroft & Barbara Moore, Llewellyn, $26.95
*Mythical Goddess Tarot - Sage Holloway & Katherine Skaggs, Star Chalice/Sisters Publishing, $24.95


N Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

Native American Tarot - Laura Tuan & Sergio Tisselli, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Native American Tarot Deck - Magda Weck Gonzalez & J.A. Gonzalez, U.S. Games, $18.00
Navigators Tarot of the Mystic Sea - Julia A. Turk, US Games, $20.00
Nefertari's Tarots - Silvana Alasia, Lorenzo Tesio, Lo Scarabeo, $49.95
New Century Tarot - Rolf Eichelmann, US Games, $18.00
*New Orleans Voodoo Tarot - Martinie & Glassman, Destiny, $35.00
*New Mythic Tarot Deck and book set - Juliet Sharman-Burke, Liz Green, Giovanni Caselli, St. Martin's Press, $25.99
New Palladini Tarot Deck - David Palladini, U.S. Games, $18.00
*New Palladini Tarot Deck & Book Set - David Palladini & Susan Hansson, U.S. Games, $29.00


O Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

Old English Tarot - Maggie Kneen, US Games, $18.00
One World Tarot Deck - Crystal Love & Michael Hobbs, US Games, $18.00
*Original Rider-Waite Tarot Pack - A.E. Waite & Pamela Coleman-Smith, Rider, $24.00
*Osho Zen Tarot Deck and book set - Osho, Ma Deva Padma, St. Martin's, $29.99


PQ Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

The Pagan Tarot - Pace, Raimondo & Spadoni, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
*The Pagan Tarot Deck & Book Set - Pace, Raimondo & Spadoni, Lo Scarabeo, $29.95
Phantasmagoric Theater Tarot Deck - Graham Cameron, US Games, $18.00
*Phoenix Cards - Susan Sheppard, Destiny Books, $29.95
Pictorial Key Tarot - Davide Corsi, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95

*Quest Tarot Deck & Book Set - Joseph Ernest Martin, Llewellyn, 34.95
Quick & Easy Tarot Deck - Ellen Lytle, Pamela Coleman-Smith & Mary Hanson-Roberts, US Games, $18.00


R Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot - Virginijus Poshkus, US Games, $20.00
*Revelations Tarot deck & book set - Zack Wong, Llewellyn, $26.95
Rider Waite Tarot Deck - A.E. Waite & Pamela Colman-Smith, U.S. Games. Regular: $18.00; Giant: $24; Miniature: $12.00
Robin Wood Tarot Deck - Robin Wood, Llewellyn, $19.95
Royal Thai Tarot - Sungkom Horharin, Wasan Kriengkomol & Versak Sodsri, US Games, $18.00
*Russian Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards - Svetlana Alexandrovna Touchkoff, HarperSanFrancisco, $35.00
*Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg - Shakov & Giles, US Games, $20.00
*Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg deck & book set - Shakov & Giles, US Games, $33.00


S Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

*Sacred Circle Tarot Deck & Book Set - Anna Franklin, illustrated by Paul Mason, Llewellyn, $32.95
Sacred Rose Tarot Deck - Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman, AG Muller/U.S. Games, $20.00
Secret Tarot - Marco Nizzoli, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Shaman Tarot - Massimiliano Filadoro, Sabrina Ariganello and Alessia Pastorello, Lo Scarabeo, $24.95
Sibilla Oracle Cards - Lo Scarabeo, $11.95
Soul Cards I - Deborah Koff-Chapin, Center for Touch Drawing, $24.95
Soul Cards 2 - Deborah Koff-Chapin, Center for Touch Drawing, $24.95
Spiral Tarot Deck - Kay Steventon, US Games, $20.00
Spirit of the Flowers Tarot - Laura Tuan, Antonella Castelli, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Starter Tarot Deck - George Bennett, Stuart Kaplan, U.S. Games, $18.00


T Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

Tarot Art Nouveau - Antonella Castelli, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Tarot Classic - Claude Burdel, US Games, $18.00
Tarot Erotica is gone. Apologies (July 10, 2012)
Tarot Lenormand - Ernest Fitzpatrick, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Tarot of a Moon Garden Deck - Karen Marie Sweikhardt, U.S. Games, $18.00
Tarot of Atlantis - Bepi Vigna & Massimo Rotundo, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Tarot of Druids - Berti, Vigna, Lupatelli, Baraldi, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Tarot of Marseilles - Convos - AG Muller, $18.00
Tarot of Metamorphosis - Massimiliano Filadoro & Luigi di Giammarino, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Tarot of the Animal Lords - Angelo Giannini, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Tarot of the Cat People - Karen Kuykendall, U.S. Games, $20.00
*Tarot of the Cat People Deck & Book Set - Karen Kuykendall, U.S. Games, $29.00
Tarot of the Holy Grail - Tesio, Palumbo & Alligo, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Tarot of the Mermaids - Alligo & de Luca, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Tarot of the New Vision - Alligo, Cestaro & Cestaro, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Tarot of the Spirit World - Bepi Vigna & Roberto de Angelis, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Tarot of the Witches - Fergus Hall, U.S. Games, $18.00
*Tarot of the Witches Deck & Book Set - Fergus Hall, book by Stuart Kaplan, U.S. Games, $24.00
Tarot of White Cats - Severino Baraldi, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Tattoed Tarot - Pietro Alligo & Cristiano Spadoni, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95
Transformational Tarot Deck - Shirley & Peggy Gotthold, Foolscap Press, $29.95
*True Love Tarot deck & book set - Amy Zerner & Monty Farber, Thomas Dune Books, St. Martin's Press, $29.95


U Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

Unicorn Tarot Deck - Suzanne Star & Liz Hilton, US Games, $18.00
*Unicorn Tarot Deck & Book Set - Suzanne Star & Liz Hilton, US Games, $26.00
Universal Goddess Tarot - Maria Caratti & Antonella Platano, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Universal Fantasy Tarot - Paolo Martinello, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Universal Tarot - Roberto De Angelis, Lo Scarabeo, $22.95
Universal Waite Tarot Deck - Colman-Smith, Hanson-Roberts, Kaplan, U.S. Games, $18.00
*Universal Waite Tarot Deck & Book Set - A.E. Waite, Pamela Coleman Smith, Mary Hanson-Roberts, U.S. Games, $26.00


V Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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Tarot Books

Vampire Tarot Deck - Nathalie Hertz, US Games, $18.00
Visconti-Sforza Gold Tarot - restored by A.A. Atanassov, Lo Scarabeo, $29.95
*Voyager Tarot Deck & Book Set - James Wanless & Ken Knutson, Merrill-West Publishing, $19.95


WXYZ Tarot Decks & Deck & Book Sets
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White Light Tarot, the light from within. Reiki energized! Chakra encoded! - Jessica Fisher Willson, WhiteLightTarot.com, $25.00
Winged Spirit Tarot - David Sexton, US Games, $18.00
Witchy Tarot - Laura Tuan & Antonella Platano, Lo Scarabeo, $19.95

Xultun Tarot, the Maya Tarot Deck - Peter Balin, Arcana Publishing, $15.95

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On each of the pages featured in this section, you'll find pictured eight cards from each deck. When two authors are given, the first conceived the deck, the second is the illustrator.

Cards are arranged in two rows. On the top row: The Magician, Two of Swords, Queen of Pentacles and Ace of Cups.

Cards on the bottom row vary. Among the eight cards should be one card from each suit, a court card & perhaps two Major Arcana cards. This will be clear once you've browsed a few decks.

In non-standard decks, sometimes we find comparable cards to show you, sometimes not.

Below the cards is more information on each deck: Price, number of cards, size (inches/millimeters), back design, books available, comments, etc.

Illustrations range from about two-thirds actual size to a little less than half in the case of larger round decks. When in doubt, check the measurements.

People have asked if we have more images from these decks. Sadly we do not. People have also asked if they can copy individual images for their own purposes (generally to illustrate their web pages). This is a question of copyright & not up to us to decide. For permission to use individual images (and you should never use images without permission, it's illegal), contact the copyright holder. The copyright holder is given in the notes for each deck. Generally speaking, try US Games in Stamford, CT. Their phone is 1-203-353-8400. They're generally helpful.

Back to the list of cards

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Established 1993, The Astrology Center of America is owned & operated by David Roell. Except where noted, this entire site (AstroAmerica.com) & its contents are Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by William R. Roell. All rights reserved. Tarot card images are Copyright © by the copyright holder (generally the publisher).