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Medical Astrology, page 1 |
Medical Astrology: | Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 |
For medieval medical astrology, see the Medieval Astrology page.
In astrological circles it's been said so often that we forget the truth of the it: Hippocrates was as much an astrologer as a doctor. The practical uses for astrology in medicine are endless and sometimes crucial to life itself. Unlike some modern drug serums, when astrology is used as an aid to traditional medicine, it is rarely, if ever, harmful to the patient. There is only ancient prejudice to lose, and much to gain, by the serious study of astrology by the medical profession.
Rules for Operations, as given in the Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology, by H.L. Cornell, M.D.
THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF MEDICAL ASTROLOGY - H.L. Cornell, Contents: Comment: From page 502, on Medical Astrology: In my years as a physician, I have, by the use of Astrology, been able to very quickly locate the seat of the disease, the cause of the trouble, the time when the patient began to feel uncomfortable, as based on the birth data of the patient, and this without even touching or examining the patient, and my intense desire to get this knowledge and wisdom before students and Healers in a classified form, is the reason for this Encyclopaedia.... When once you have discovered the cause of the disease, and understand its philosophy and the relation of the patient to the great Scheme of Nature, the matter of treatment I leave to you, and according to the System and Methods you may be using. This is by far the best book ever written about medical astrology. Though it dates from 1933, it is, in fact, the best medieval astrological medical reference ever put in print. It's not that Cornell set out to write a medieval treatise, but that the works he used in his daily practice, which he exhaustively cross-indexed to create this book, were themselves ultimately basd on the best medieval knowledge. Which was sifted through Cornell's practice in the early days of the 20th century. In this book you will not find techniques of treatment, since, as Cornell says, once you know what's wrong, there are many different ways that will successfully treat. This book excels in diagnosis, in other words, if the symptom is X, then the astrological cause is Y. Which becomes the key to reading the patient's chart, or the decumbiture. This diagnosis is not given in current medical jargon (which is nearly incomprehensible, even to those who are trained, and which changes from decade to decade), but in traditional language. The same language, in fact, as you will find in Culpeper, Saunders, Lilly, Blagrave & many others. This book is the key that will open all of these & many more. I learned this by accident while preparing a glossary for Blagrave. Of all the sources I consulted, of all the people I asked, Cornell was head & shoulders above the rest. Click here for a pdf extract. November 2010: Now in paperback at a much lower price. I am pleased with the new paperback edition. It is sturdier than I expected. - Dave Astrology Classics, 958 pages, paperback. |
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207 Victory Lane, Bel Air, MD 21014
Tel: 410-638-7761; Toll-free (orders only): 800-475-2272
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