0 Astrology Books by Reinhold Ebertin
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Reinhold Ebertin

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his son, Baldur
Reinhold Ebertin, 1901-1988, came to Uranian astrology, and, according to the story, was denied permission to use the new Transneptunians in his work. So he reduced the Uranian system to the 90 degree dial, 45 degree graphic ephemeris and half sums (eg, midpoints). His use of these materials was brilliant. For those of you who don't know what these 45 or 90 degree things may be, the short answer is that they are methods of reducing all hard aspects to conjunctions on a wheel or graph. By means of this simplification, a powerful means of analysis was created. Here is what we think is a complete list of his available books:

See also Cosmobiology

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THE COMBINATION OF STELLAR INFLUENCES - Reinhold Ebertin, translated by Dr. Alfred G. Roosedale & Linda Kratzsch, $24.95

Introduction: Cosmobiological correspondences of the human body; Biological correspondences; Order of acupuncture meridians according to the quincunx; Interpretation of the combination according to Ebertin; Interpretation of the combination according to the rules laid down by Witte

Bibliography & footnotes

The yearly rhythm as a basis for interpretation

The Sun
The Moon
The Dragon's Head
The Ascendant
The Medium Coeli (MC)

There follows the 150-ish possible pairings, starting with Sun/Moon, Sun/Mercury, Sun/Venus (etc.) & ending with Dragon's Head/MC & Ascendant/MC

Supplement, translated by Ise Hodges & Charles Harvey.

Comment: When the midpoint of two planets is aspected by a third (natal or transit), the result is a planetary picture. Everyone has some of these in their chart, they reveal much about the individual. This book is a comprehensive guide to some 750 & is essential for working with the dial. The text covers the Sun, Moon & planets, nodes & angles. Includes Ebertin's view of planets in signs & houses. With notes on Witte's concepts & the 1961 supplement to Ebertin's original book. Illustrated, with instructions. A classic.

Revised edition, new cover: February 2005.

AFA, 330 pages, paper.

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Hi David,
I have been using this book since 1980 for my readings and give it 5 stars. It has always proven to be accurate.
regards David Baker.

APPLIED COSMOBIOLOGY, A 4th & revised edition of The 90 Degree Dial in Practice - Reinhold Ebertin, $19.95


The 90 degree dial
The evolution of the 90 degree dial
Conversion table
The chart form
Interpreting the birth chart
Solar arc directions
A prediction is wrong
The formulation & dissolution of a partnership
The Contact Cosmogram
Computing the day of an expected birth
Calculating the day for an operation
A case of illness
The versatile magnetic workboard
An infant is taken ill
Children threatened at school
Difficulties at school
The choice of an occupation according to the Cosmogram
Vocational fate & success
Winning configurations
Man in the universe
Progressed aspects
Concluding remarks

Explanation of terms used in this book
Table of equivalents

Comment: Back in print! Ebertin invented Cosmology. This is his own exposition of how it works, how the dial works, with many practical applications. An essential book, it has long been a classic. From the back cover:

This basic cosmobiology textbook was first printed in Germany (1949) under the title, The 90 degree Dial in Practice. After many additions & improvements it was released again in 1972 under the current title. Written by the acknowledged master, cosmobiology takes the fundamentals of the basic horoscope one step further by condensing the wheel to 90 degrees by placing the planets into their groups of cardinal, fixed and mutable. The analysis then becomes very simplified, yet with details that are astounding. Explained are the methods, interpretations, use of solar arc directions, graphic ephemeris and more. See for yourself how using cosmobiology makes astrology become a quicker and more useful tool.

AFA, 206 pages.

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COSMIC MARRIAGE - Reinhold Ebertin, $17.95

1. Marital disposition
2. Stellar positions in the signs
3. Significant aspects for love & marriage
4. Celestial bodies in the house of marriage
5. Midpoints
6. Comparative analysis using the 90 degree workboard


Comment: Synastry & cosmobiology combine in this unique book. Cosmobiology: how comparative midpoint structures work in synastry, comparative analysis using the 900 workboard & 3600 chart, with many examples (including biwheels). Synastry: Cookbook of Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, ascendant, through the signs; planets on the descendant, significant aspects for love & marriage. An essential book for the study of Ebertin & his astrology.

AFA, 175 pages.

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THE CONTACT COSMOGRAM - Reinhold Ebertin, $22.95


1. The contact cosmogram: Setting up the contact cosmogram; The contact cosmogram is subject to change
2. An introductory example
3. Famous couples:
Wolfgang von Goethe & Charlotte von Stein
Wolfgang von Goethe & Christiane Vulpius
Emperor Franz Joseph & Elizabeth of Bavaria
Shah Muhammad, Soraya, and Farah Diba
Edward VIII & Wallis Simpson
King Baudouin & Queen Fabiola
Peter Townsend & Princess Margaret
Anthony Armstrong-Jones & Princess Margaret
Don Juan Carlos & Gabriella of Savoy
Don Juan Carlos & Sophie of Greece
Gerhard Freund & Marianne Koch
4. Problem marriages:
Sadist & wife
Neurotic husband
Husband & neurotic wife
One family's haemic disorders
Sick parents & sick children
A child: Compelling grounds for marriage?
Lesbian love
5. Collaborators:
Krupp & Beitz
Herrligkofer, Buhl & Ertl
Wilhelm II & Bismark
Hitler & Goebbels
Hitler & Goerdeler
6. The contact cosmogram in daily life

Explanation of abbreviations


Relationships & the 90 degree dial. Ebertin first gives the natal charts on separate 360 degree dials, then puts both charts on one 90 degree dial and analyzes the resulting relationship. While the book has been entirely reset (and nicely, too), the charts and graphs seem to be from the original [German] edition, and are no longer very clear. (I used a magnifying glass.) I wish the AFA would take more care with their reprints, especially as 90 dials & graphic ephemerides can be produced by most good astrology software programs. For most of the examples in the book, you could construct the charts yourself, and then follow along with Ebertin.

AFA, 140 pages.

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TRANSITS: What Days Favor You? - Reinhold Ebertin, $15.00


1. The cosmogram
2. Aspects in the cosmogram
3. What is a transit?
4. How to read the ephemeris
5. Determining the transits
6. The parallels
7. Mundane aspects
8. Evaluating the transits
9. The character of the stellar bodies
10. The interpretation of the monthly prognostication
11. Sensitive points & half-sums
12. Paying attention to Medium Coli (MC) and ascendant
13. Which is the best day to realize plans?
14. Basic interpretation - the Sun
15. Basic interpretation - the Moon
16. Basic interpretation - Mercury
17. Basic interpretation - Venus
18. Basic interpretation - Mars
19. Basic interpretation - Jupiter
20. Basic interpretation - Saturn
21. Basic interpretation - Uranus
22. Basic interpretation - Neptune
23. Basic interpretation - Pluto
24. Basic interpretation - Moon's node
25. Appendix

Comment: A classic on the transiting planets, back in print. Interpretations are short and to the point, plus & minus. Here is Sun to Mars:

5. Sun to Mars
+ Energy, resoluteness, creative power, instinct, courage, ambition, striving for power, chances for success.

- (C) Rashness, irritation, obstinacy, impulsiveness, quarrelsomeness, inclination to illness and mishap. In case of illness, high temperature. Extravagant demands, overstrain. (pg. 40)

"C" indicates conjunction. The Appendix gives examples using the Contact Cosmogram (90 degree dial) and the 45 degree graphic ephemeris. I wish the illustrations were better.

AFA, 106 pages, paper.

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DIRECTIONS: Co-Determinants of Fate - Reinhold Ebertin, $26.95



1. The rhythm of day, year & life
2. What is a direction?
3. Solar arc direction
4. The annual cosmogram
5. Directions on the workboard
6. Love relationships
7. Separations in love
8. Births
9. Miscarriages
10. Accidents & injuries
11. Illness & surgery
12. Success & failure
13. Mars-Jupiter directions
14. Jupiter-Pluto directions
15. Uranus-Pluto directions
16. Mars-Neptune directions
17. Saturn-Sun directions
18. Conclusions

Directional correspondences:
Contact, friendship, love
Alienation, separation, divorce
Births, miscarriages, still-births
Accidents, injuries, operations

Essential configurations of the examples


Directions are based on the simple formula of one degree per year of life, but Ebertin notes that some theories make it exactly one degree, while others claim 57 or 59 minutes, or 1 degree 1 minute or two minutes, etc. How to chose the right one?

Ebertin says you don't have to. You take an event, note the progressed Sun's position as of that day & year (simple to do with computers), subtract the natal Sun from the progressed Sun to determine the age-arc, then divide that by the number of years that have passed, and, presto, you have the custom arc-per-year for that specific individual. You then apply it to the natal chart & note the other directions that will turn up. It's a useful trick to learn. I wonder if there are computer programs that will calculate it? (Not that it's all that hard to do manually.)

Ebertin uses the 90 degree dial (Contact Cosmogram) and 45 degree Graphic Ephemeris in his exploration of various charts and events. In Essential Configurations Ebertin gives many specific formulas, useful in forecasting. Directed Moon to the Venus/Saturn midpoint, for example, is bidding farewell, separation, renunciation (through illness), etc. A very useful section.

AFA, 226 pages.

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1. The 45 degree system, positions transposed out of the 360 degree circle into the 45 degree scale
2. Graphic 45 degree ephemeris
3. Practical application of the 45 degree ephemeris
4. Graphic ephemeris and structural picture
5. Setting up an election forecast
6. The five million pound train robbery
7. The calculation of a birth
8. The correct calculation of a birth
9. The danger of false pronostications
10. The evolution of the conception cosmogram
11. Period of pregnancy in the graphic ephemeris
12. Illness during pregnancy
13. How to find the best day for a marriage
14. Marriage crisis & attempted suicide
15. King Constantine & Queen Annemarie
16. Winning in the lottery
17. Troubled youth
18. The transit combinations


Comment: A regular ephemeris has a row of planets across the top, the days of the month down the side. If you want to know where Jupiter was on the 15th of the month, you look down the list of dates until you come to the 15th, and then look across until you come to the Jupiter column & the number you find there will be Jupiter's position on the 15th of the month in question.

A graphic ephemeris is diffent. It's graphic, for one thing. In a graphic ephemeris, degrees of the zodiac go down the side of the page, and the days of the year go across the top. Planetary positions are then plotted in the resulting grid of days & degrees.

The result are more-or-less horizontal lines (ie, planets) that run from left to right on the grid, sloping ever so slightly down as they do. Faster planets slope down more sharply than slower ones. Each line has its unique planet symbol to identify it. When two lines intersect, that's a conjunction. When a line reverses direction & goes up, that's a retrograde. Because the graph typically shows a full year, and as the moon makes a complete orbit every month, the lunar line is nearly vertical. It zooms straight to the bottom, only to emerge at the top at the same point in the zodiac as it held at the bottom, and then zooms down again. Every time it crosses one of the other lines, it marks a moon-to-planet conjunction.

Got all this?

Okay. Now make it a 45 degree graphic emphemeris. In a 45 degree graphic ephemeris, instead of 360 degrees going down the side, there are three sets of 15 degrees. The first set are the four cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. The second set of 15 degrees are the fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius. The third & final set of 15 degrees are the mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. So, the first degree of the Cardinal section could be 1 or 16 degrees of Aries, or 1 or 16 degrees of Cancer, or 1 or 16 degrees of Libra, or 1 or 16 degrees of Capricorn. For the moment, you do not care which sign or degree it may be.

The resulting lines on this graph are much steeper than the 360 degree graph. Now, whenever you see two lines intersect, that intersection can be a conjunction, a semi-square (45), a square, or an opposition. Get out your ruler & draw a line from that point, to the top of the graph, and you will have the date of the resulting hard aspect. And it's the hard aspects that you want to find.

You can take this one stage further & plot natal positions on the resulting ephemeris. Natal planetary positions are horizontal lines, drawn from left to right. Whenever natal lines contact an ephemeris position, you have a transit. Whenever a bunch of ephemeris lines gang up on a natal line, or when various natal lines are attacked at the same time (check the vertical axis, ie, draw a vertical line), you have an event of one sort or another.

Still confused? See an example here. Louisa May's natal chart has not been drawn on this. Hit your BACK key to get back here.

Sound useful? It surely is. And not that well-known, despite the fact that all the major software packages (Solar Fire, Win*Star, Kepler/Cosmic Patterns) will easily do it. A woman in Arizona used to print beautiful, colored, legal sized pads for the year, and many, many years ago I used to sell them, but interest never quite caught on. Judging by my Solar Fire program, they were better than what the computer will do.

This book was previously titled, Transits: Forecassting Using the 45 Degree Annual Ephemeris. It had a Forword by Robert Hand, which this edition lacks. Aside from being reset, the two editions are identical in other respects.

AFA, 122 pages.

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RAPID & RELIABLE ANALYSIS - Reinhold Ebertin, $14.00

List of diagrams
The bird on the roof
A firm base
Rapid & reliable diagnosis

Successful people:
1. Hans Porst
2. Arturo Toscanini
3. Carlo Schmid
4. Eva Kotthaus
5. Fritz Saenger
6. Herbert von Karajan
7. Pearl S. Buck

Changes & transformations:
8. Max Bircher-Benner
9. Karl Jaspers
10. Marie Curie

Dangerous lives:
11. Herman Buhl
12. Bernd Roesmeyer
13. Ruth Litzig

Human failures:
14. Oscar Robert Henschel
15. Robert Schneider
16. Suicide from poison

24. Short examples


Comment: How to rapidly select the most significant features in a Cosmogram, especially those which are important to the development of the individual. With numerous detailed studies, midpoint analysis & more. From the back cover:

The aim of a diagnosis is to assemble a comprehensive picture from a series of facts, draw the appropriate conclusions and from this make a prediction. A diagnostic delineation cannot deal with a Cosmogram in its entirety and consider its every detail, but it can rapidly select the most significant features and in particular those which are important to the development of the individual.

The master of Cosmobiology presents a guide to his system of forecasting the future through the use of progressions, solar arcs and transits, illustrated with case histories.

Ebertin-Verlag, 68 pages, paper.
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Some of the history of interpretation of fixed stars
Fixed stars & their interpretation (interpretations for 73 fixed stars)
Radio waves & structural elements of fixed stars

Bibliography & other remarks

Explanation of the fixed star table


Comment: Describes the influence of 73 major stars. Original research by Ebertin's mother, Elsbeth (a noted astrologer in her day) with Ebertin & a mutual friend finishing the book. Personality traits & health influences of the stars, notes on charts with these stars prominent, their actual effects.

99 pages. AFA, paper.

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How to use the auxiliary tables

Table for the calculation of solar motion
Table for the calculation of lunar motion
Table for the calculation of the planets

Example calculation, using a midday ephemeris

Ebertin-Verlag, 32 pages.

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See also Cosmobiology

The Astrology Center of America

207 Victory Lane, Bel Air, MD 21014
Tel: 410-638-7761; Toll-free (orders only): 800-475-2272

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