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Vedic Astrology by:

K.N. Rao, page 2

Books by K.N. Rao, page 1

Books by students of K.N. Rao, page 1
Books by students of K.N. Rao, page 2
Books by students of K.N. Rao, page 3

and, Research papers by K.N. Rao & his students

Contents: Acknowledgements; About the author; 1. The need to write the book; 2. Modern methods of learning astrology; 3. The first memory tablet - CBI; 4. The second memory tablet - TASK; 5. The third memory tablet - IPC; 6. The checklist; 7. More money but not higher post; 8. Predictive tit bits; 9. Guiding a career: timing events; 10. Astrologer's difficult moments; 11. The CRFD approach to prediction; 12. An example of interpretation; 13. Reason out yourself; 14. Which Aynamsha?; 15. Summary & conclusion.

Comment: In the first chapter, Rao gives some hints: The condition of the dasha lords must be examined in the birth chart, and the navamsha. If the question is about career, then you must additionally use the dashamsha chart, if about siblings, the drekkana, if about property, the chaturthamsha, if children, the saptamsha, if parent, the dwadashamsha. Do a combined reading: Give 3.5 points for the condition of the natal dasha lords, 3 points for the navamsha, and half a point for the third (divisional) chart. Every event must be examined through these three charts. In Vimshottari dasha, examine the major period, the sub-period & the sub-sub period, checking for the mutual positions of the major & sub dasa lords. If they are in kendras or trikonas, it's favorable. In houses 2 / 12, or 6 / 8, there are difficulties. Consider the ownership of the dasha lords. Look also at the Yogini dasha in effect. Triple check with Chara dasha. Re-examine from the standpoint of the moon. Finally, look at transits, never forgetting the sarvashtaka. (pgs. 12-13) Rao expands on this in the rest of the book.

Memory tablets: CBI: Collect Background Information (from page 38). TASK: Thesis, Anti-thesis, Synthesis, Kinds (of synthesis). IPC: Inferences, Perception, Clarity. CRFD: Classical, Romantic, Formula, Dasha.

Vani Graphics, 110 pages.

THE NEHRU DYNASTY: Astro-political portraits of Nehru, Indira, Sanjay & Rajiv - K.N. Rao, $20.00


Preface to the second edition
A note on the author, by David Frawley
The Nehru circle
Political circle

1. A preface in purely personal tones
2. The aims of astro-political portraits
3. The astrological story of the independence of India
4. Astrology & the Nehrus
5. Jawahar Lal Nehru
6. The idealist
7. The nation
8. A reappraisal
9. Astrological inevitability
10. Indira: some fleeting glimpses
11. Foretold
12. Indira's dasha periods
13. The great luck
14. Astrological basis of the predictions
15. The tenth (the most tragic predictions
16. Indira: the spiritual side
17. Astrological inevitability
18. Sanjay Gandhi
19. Rajiv's horoscope
20. The graveyard of Indian astrologers
21. Those sinister creeping shadows
22. The rings of Saturn
23. Rajiv the emperor of Iran dies
24. Astrological inevitability
25. Conclusion



The Nehrus are the Kennedys - or the Bushes, I suppose - of Indian politics. Jawaharial Nehru was the first prime minister of India, serving from 1947 to 1964. He was succeeded by his daughter, Indira Gandhi, who ruled from 1966 to 1984 (not quite continuously). She was murdered while in office. She was succeeded by her son, Rajiv Gandhi, who served from 1984 to 1989. He was also murdered while in office. K.N. Rao details these, as well as wives, husbands, children, parents & grandparents.

Vani Publications, 224 pages.

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JYOTISHA THE SUPER-SCIENCE: A rich heritage of India's composite culture - K.N. Rao, edited by K. Subhas Rao, $20.00
Contents: Introduction: Acknowledgements; Why this book?; Introduction; Preface.

Ancient: Why & how composite culture?; Valmiki Ramayana, astrology & omens; [an entry in Sanskrit]; Lord Krishna's horoscope; Astrological references from the Mahabharata; A Pauranic view of Saturn; A glimpse of the moon from the Puranas.

Islamic: Saffronisation?; Timur, Babar & astrology; Humayun born on 6th March 1508; Akbar (1556-1605) & the argument against Saffronisation; Jahangir (1605-1627) & astrological references; Shahjahan Nama (1627-1658); Aurangzeb (1658-1707); Saffronisation?; Abdul Rahim Khankhana & Jyotish (1556-1627); Khet Kautakam.

Modern: Maharaja Ranjit Singh; Ths astrological story of Indian independence; Babu Rajendra Prasad: The birth of Lahiri ayanamsha; Jawaharlal Nehru & astrology; Why Hindu astrology is superior?: Woodrow Wyatt; Unscientific scientists; Shodash samskaras.

Science: The statement of scientists: Religious grounds of scientists; Do Indian scientists have "scientific outlook"?; Royal astronomer finds astrology scientific; Against Indian scientists; Stars of India - Travels in search of astrologers & fortune tellers; Western appreciation of Jyotisha; Valid criticism; Astrology for the farmers; What is the definition of science?

Mundane: Birds, astrology & weather; Where astrology triumphs & meteorology fails: The Indian drought of 2002 & Hindu astrology.

Evidences: What is not astrology: Extraordinary tales of seers & sages; Problems of collecting documented evidences of: Successful predictions; Mundane prediction & burning astrological fingers; Method of selection of these evidences; My predictions: Evidences; Astrological explanations; Iraq under threat; Israel, the flash point; [an entry in Sanskrit]; Examples of astrometeorological weather predictions; How astrology triumphs over meteorology; The famous Venus transit of 8 June 2004; Should astrologers predict about politics?; Rediff writings; Hardeo Sharma Shastri Trivedi; Evidences - others.

Research: [an entry in Sanskrit]; What is astrological research?; Plagiarism; Perversion; False claims.

Appendices: Messy spiritual astrology; Reactions; Astrological & allied activities; Astrology is not a science; Part 1: Chinaman in space: Wake up call for India; Mitterand's astrologer receives Ph.D. from Sorbonne - in sociology; Kepler's College Graduation; [an entry in Sanskrit]; Some letters written for the Jyotish list in which astrologers discuss astrology; The epilogue; Admitting failure; I was lone fighter; High court judgment Bhargava vs: UGC; A.P. high court judgment Bhargava vs: UGC; Madras high court judgment Bhargava vs: UGC; Andhra high court judgment Bhargava vs: UGC; Trials of astrology in the west; Supreme Court judgment on astrology; Criticism: Platform: Stars don't speak; Virulent attack; Rediff: 28 September 2004; Will Dr. Singh continue as prime minister?; [three entries in Sanskrit]; Stars bright, BJP loses bite; Books of K.N. Rao; Index.

Comment: The genesis of the book seems to have started back in 2000 with the announcement by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in New Delhi that it would fund Vedic Astrology as a fit subject for scientific study in India's universities. As it happens, a certain Dr. K. Natarajan found this offensive & filed suit. His suit wound its way through the Indian court system until, on May 5, 2004, the Indian Supreme Court threw it out. Rao says he was the only astrologer in India to file a petition against the suit & makes his usual big deal of it. In the back of the book is the final decision. Reading it, there is no mention of K.N. Rao, nor his petition. Despite Rao's claims to the contrary, it seems the justices had no problems reaching their conclusion without Rao's astrological help.

This is a book of opinions & ideas, but not astrological techniques per se. Much of the book consists of K.N. Rao's postings to various weblists, and email exchanges, strung together with running commentary. Rao freely quotes anyone, anytime, anywhere, seemingly with little regard for permission. Note to the world: If you email this man, he may, if he sees fit, publish what you write, including your full name & email address.

Vani Publications, 351 pages, oversize.

Preface; 1. Astrology is the eye of wisdom; 2. Rama Krishna Paramhamsa; 3. Dayananda Saraswati of Arya Samaj; 4. Dr. Jonas Salk (the American scientist); 5. Guru Chandala Yoga; 6. Ruminations of an astrologer.

Comment: From the back cover:

Astrology has reached a stage when the young generation should think of producing researches based on subtle points. For example, Moon-Rahu combinations can have many meanings other than neurosis. How is it that a guru is predestined to be famous? Guru Chandala yoga has variations. There existed in India a generation of astrologers who never produced any research & could not even distinguish between a research article & a hackneyed astrological article. The scene is changing now as should be obvious from the books coming out from the Institute of Astrology at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi. There will be plagiarists & cheats as usual, who dominate the astrological scene, but some among the youngsters should think of astrological excellence in spite of it.

Vani Graphics, 84 pages.

Dedication; Acknowledgements; Introduction;

1. Clearly Visible Predictions: With experience astrologers begin to see at a glance the problem visible at the time of consultation. No short-cut should be adopted, but what is so clearly visible cannot be ignored;

2. Astrology for an artistic family: What are called Samskaras, for which there is no word in English, of a family where religion & art get fused into a family tradition can be seen in some families in India & in other countries. If the family horoscopes are seen individually & collectively, it yields a wealth of information & material for fine astrological research;

3. Risky predictions: No experienced astrologer can afford not to take risks. It is a risk sometimes with a less tried technique among so many rich ones in Hindu astrology or sometimes a prediction in an area where he has no rich experience. Yet such a risk must be taken for astrological self-development;

4. Interrelated destinies: It is the most complex, most baffling & most useful area in Hindu astrology where divisional horoscopes should be made use of to give helpful predictions to people who have no horoscopes of their own but have of their spouses, children or parents.

Comment: These are articles the author wrote for the late R. Santhanam's Times of Astrology in the 1980's. Rao's notes under the chapter headings are illuminating.

Vani Graphics, 119 pages.

Dedication; Acknowledgements; About the author; Preface; Preface to the 2nd edition;
1. That great guru; 2. Profile of a guru's life; 3. Prabhu bejoy Krishna Goswami; 4. I meet my guru; 5. Awakened kundalini; 6. Astrological instruction; 7. Pre-destination: The negative side; 8. Rokadia Hanuman Baba; 9. My Jyotish guru-1; 10. My Jyotish guru-2;

11. Pre-destination & divine bliss; 12. Nagari Das Baba; 13. Ranga Avadhoot; 14. Religion of yogis; 15. Caution & warning; 16. Ecstasies spring from fire-1; 17. Ecstasies spring from fire-2; 18. Ecstasies spring from fire-3; 19. Ecstasies spring from fire-4; 20. Ecstasies spring from fire-5;

21. Ecstasies spring from fire-6; 22. The seers; 23. Astrology, when it is an illumination; 24. Memory glows; 25. Why astrology at all?; 26. Poetical guidance; 27. Bliss & confusion.

Comment: Not to be confused with another book by Rao with a similar title. In this book, Rao narrates part of his long spiritual quest, which makes him say that life without spirituality is animal life only. Here are the stories of the numerous holy men Rao has met and what he learned from each of them (with astrological illustrations). Leaving aside the question of becoming a guru or following a holy man is the larger issue of mental orientation. A mental/spiritual discipline is essential to do the finer astrology that Rao does. Mere western mental chatter will not reach the levels Rao works from. God (or guru) worship is not the only method, but, traditional to India,+ it is easily learned and highly effective if done whole-heartedly. Includes 12 plates of (mostly) color photographs, rare in Indian books.

Vani Publications, 287 pages.

Acknowledgements; Preface (India's eternal nationalism); Introduction; About the author;
1. Acharyas (Shankara, Ramanuja & Vallabha); 2. The inspiration that was bliss (Moorkhanandji); 3. Avadhoot (Avadhoot Bhagwam Ram); 4. Yes it was divine my friend; 5. Adulterated nationalism; 6. Dr. Hedgewar founder of the RSS; 7. Guru Golwalkar, the yogic spirit radiates; 8. Epilogue (Astrology Indian press & Jawaharlal Nehru); 9. Swami Vivekananda, the spiritual nationalist; 10. Swami Yogananda, in the USA.

Appendices: 1. Deception in astrology (Vastu, gambling); 2. A note on ashrams & temples; 3. The most ludicrous area of predictions is mundane astrology; 4. Nostradamus & world panic; Index for astrological use.

Comment: This is a book of astro-biographical sketches, of ten individuals of interest to Rao, some of them known personally to him. The overall tone of the book is Indian/Hindu nationalism. Rao of course means spiritual nationalism, but the word is so discredited, not only in the west, but in India itself, as to be dangerous. Rao is also firmly anti-Islamic, believing them to be militant fanatics at bottom. In this he can be forgiven to some extent, having earned the right to his opinion during the struggles that divided ancient India into Hindu India & Moslem Pakistan, which he witnessed. But I cannot believe it myself, having met many wonderful, secular Moslems in the late 1970's. The ten horoscopes in the book are analyzed with Rao's matchless precision.

Vani Graphics, 243 pages.

See also:

Books by K.N. Rao, page 1

Books by students of K.N. Rao, page 1
Books by students of K.N. Rao, page 2
Books by students of K.N. Rao, page 3

and, Research papers by K.N. Rao & his students

The Astrology Center of America

207 Victory Lane, Bel Air, MD 21014
Tel: 410-638-7761; Toll-free (orders only): 800-475-2272

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