Synopsis: Accurate, timed, up to date horoscopes for all the nations of the world, with copious notes & footnotes. Published by Wessex Astrologer, approximately 705 pages, oversize format. Continued below.
Comment: Revised, expanded, from previous editions, current up to the June 28, 2004 US handover of "sovereignty" to Iraq (10:26 am, Baghdad). In addition to charts, for all but the tiniest of states, Campion also gives potted histories, covering significant historical dates & for many of those dates, giving charts and/or chart data as well, often more than one. The last numbered chart in this book is 471 (Chiron), in the accompanying comments, is data (date, time, location) for two or three times that many more. Campion includes charts for every political entity he can find (around two hundred) no matter how obscure (Burkina-Faso) or short-lived (Espiritu-Santo). I should type out the full list of national charts, there are over 400 of them. Includes massive entries on the break-up of the Soviet Union, Eastern European changes, South Africa, the US, UK, France, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia & more. This is the essential, scholarly guide to the birth charts of all the nations of the world. The U.S. entry, for example, is 30 pages long & includes 20 charts, 8 of them for July 1776, including the mysterious Sibley chart - explained! This book is lavish in every respect. It's also physically larger in format. The previous hardcover measured 5.25 x 8.75 (13.3 x 22.2 cm). This new edition measures 7.5 x 9.25 inches (19 x 23.5 cm).
or, Back to the Mundane 2 Page.
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